First communion Instruction
First communion classes for students and their parents will be held March 26th, April 2nd, and April 9th. Classes will take place during the regularly scheduled Faith Formation time during Wednesday Midweek Connection at 7:00pm. The celebration of First Communion with students, families, and the congregation will take place during regular church service on Palm Sunday April 13th at 9:30 am. Please talk to Pastor Keith or email him at pastorkeith@helenastjohns.org or call the church office at 406-442-6270 with any questions.

Holy week and Easter
Easter will be here before we know it! I am looking for youth aged volunteers to help 'strip the altar' (removing everything on and around the altar) during the Maundy Thursday service at 6:30 PM on April 17th. It's not a hard job, but it is an important part of the end of the service during Holy Week as we move from Jesus' Last Supper into the Crucifixion on Good Friday.
One of our big youth fundraisers that we do each year is to serve breakfast after the Easter Service. On the menu is pancakes, ham, and fruit. I need to know who is available to help prep on Saturday, April 19th (Time TBA based on volunteers) and who is available to prep and flip pancakes during the service (9:30 AM) on Easter Sunday.

Midweek Connection and Sunday School
Midweek Connection is Wednesday evenings, beginning at 6:30 PM for worship and 7:00 PM for Faith Formation.
(We have changed our format this year. On the first Wednesday of the month, we will have a potluck and a birthday celebration beginning at 6:30 PM followed by Community Life together down in the Fellowship Hall. The rest of the month we will have worship with Holy Communion at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary followed by Faith Formation for all ages at 7:00 PM.)

Sunday School
Class meets each week during our 9:30 am worship and is open to our K-5th grade aged kiddos.
Sunday School teachers needed! I am putting together a group of rotating teachers to help teach our weekly Sunday School classes during the 9:30 AM worship each week. The lessons are engaging and truly easy to step into without much prep time. Our group of kiddos is terrific and my hope is that if we have a team of rotating teachers, it takes the burden off of weekly planning for one person and you won't have to miss church every Sunday. Please let me know if you are interested and available to help!

We are introducing a new idea this year of TEAMS of volunteers to help make our youth and family ministry move forward. Our lives are full and I know how hard it is to commit to large, year long project. What I need help with is for our community to take on one smaller project and to see them through to the end.
Want to help plan a fundraiser at a local restaurant?
Feel called to help with a mural painting project?
Want to plan a bowling night?
Have a heart to spearhead a local, mini-mission project?
Let Gretchen know and I'm happy to be your point person to help make these fun events happen for our community.