We are people just like you.
Through fellowship of Christ we are strengthened for our daily living.
Come gather around the Word of Promise.
Come hear again a message of love and hope.
Be nourished in the sacrament of Holy Communion!
Join us in serving others in our world.

Sunday at 9:30 am with Holy Communion
Services also available on Facebook & YouTube
Healing Services: First Sunday of each month at 8:15 am.
Children’s Worship Bulletins are available
Taped recordings of each Sunday morning’s services are available upon request.
Children's Quiet Area located in the Narthex "Orange Room"
Midweek Connection resumes September 18, 2024!
Join us for Worship with Holy Communion at 6:30pm followed by Faith Formation at 7:00pm
(We have changed our format this year. On the first Wednesday of the month, we will have a potluck and a birthday celebration beginning at 6:30 PM followed by Community Life together down in the Fellowship Hall. The rest of the month we will have worship with Holy Communion at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary followed by Faith Formation for all ages at 7:00 PM.)

Touchmark Services are held the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm.