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Pastor Keith Weatherford

As we move from the bright and hopeful season of Epiphany into the more somber, reflective season of Lent, we find ourselves transitioning from a time of light and new beginnings to a period of deeper introspection and renewal. Epiphany has called us to witness the light of Christ revealed in the world, while Lent beckons us to return to God with repentance, humility, and holy lament.


Lent is not just about personal reflection but about inviting us to sit with our grief and sorrows. In a society that often pushes us to ignore our suffering or pretend it doesn’t affect us, holy lament invites us to take a different approach. We are reminded through Scripture that lament is a natural and necessary expression of faith. The Bible is filled with examples of lament, from the Psalms to the prophets, where God’s people pour out their hearts, express their pain, and ask the hard questions about suffering—both personal and global.


Holy lament is a spiritual practice that encourages us to be honest with God. It is an invitation to name our griefs, whether they are large or small, and to bring them to God’s loving embrace. It is a practice that acknowledges there are things in life too great for our hearts to bear alone. Through lament, we discover that God is not displeased with our tears or questions but holds us tenderly, comfortingly, and even weeps with us. Lament leads us into a deeper understanding of a God who is larger than our grief and who, in the end, transforms our sorrow into holy joy, renewed hope, and new life.


As we walk through these 40 days of Lent, we are invited to rediscover the faithful discipline of holy lament. We may want to reflect on the questions: Are we truly comfortable with holy lament? How do we express our grief? Is it a personal journey, or do we lament together as a community?


Holy lament encompasses both personal and communal expressions of sorrow. Personal lament occurs when we face situations that shatter our lives or weigh heavily on our hearts. These can be the quiet griefs that often go unnoticed in the hustle of daily life but still require attention. And then there are the deep, heart-wrenching laments—the ones that feel insurmountable. We can bring them to God knowing that our community of faith is here to support us in those times. Community lament is when our collective voices cry out in response to the pain and suffering of the world—whether through injustice, oppression, or tragedy that affects an entire city, state, or nation. In these moments, we stand together, finding strength and comfort in the knowledge that God hears our cries and holds us in our collective sorrow.


During this season of Lent, we are called to lean into this holy practice, whether in solitude or in the company of others. It is a time to ask tough questions and find solace in the truth that we are not alone in our lament. As we journey through Lent, we remember that the road leads us to the foot of the cross, where Jesus, through His own death, transforms all of our mourning and grief into a hope that does not disappoint. In this season, we walk with the assurance that our mourning is not without purpose. We do not grieve as those without hope, for Jesus’s death on the cross assures us that even in our deepest lament, resurrection and new life are always on the horizon.


Let us walk this Lenten journey together, learning to express our grief, find comfort in God’s presence, and trust that in the midst of our sorrow, God will lead us into the joy and hope of the resurrection


In Christ’s love,

Pastor Keith


Please contact the church office for more information or if you would like to schedule a visit.


Email or call (406) 442-6270 

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